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Generic model


Creates a compartmental model from a dictionary and setting an evolve method.

Source code in compartmental/
class GenericModel:
    """Creates a compartmental model from a dictionary and setting an `evolve` method.

    def get_all_params_names(self):
        """Returns a set of all parameters names, fixed or not.

            (set[str]): Set of all parameters names.
        return set(list(self.param_to_index.keys()) + list(self.fixed_param_to_index.keys()))

    def __init__(self, configuration: dict[str, Any]):
        """Creates a model from the configuration given.

            configuration (dict[str, Any]): Model configuration.
        self.configuration: dict[str, Any] = copy.deepcopy(configuration)

        self.param_to_index: dict[str, int] = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(self.configuration["params"].keys()) }
        self.fixed_param_to_index: dict[str, int] = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(self.configuration["fixed_params"].keys()) }
        self.compartment_name_to_index: dict[str, int] = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(self.configuration["compartments"].keys()) }

    def populate_model_parameters(self, **kargs):
        """Populates params array. Assigns shortcuts to call them by their name as an attribute.
        parameter_manager = ParametersManager(self.configuration, self)

        REFERENCE_OFFSET = self.configuration["reference"].get("offset", 0)
        # Set offset value if it is a str reference
        if isinstance(REFERENCE_OFFSET, str):


        for param in self.configuration["params"].keys():
            setattr(self, param, self.params[param])

        for fparam in self.configuration["fixed_params"].keys():
            setattr(self, fparam, self.fixed_params[self.fixed_param_to_index[fparam]])

        if isinstance(REFERENCE_OFFSET, str):
            self.reference_offset = self.params[REFERENCE_OFFSET]
            self.reference_offset = 0

    def populate_model_compartments(self, **kargs):
        """Populates compartments array. Assigns shortcuts to call them by their name as an attribute.
        N_SIMULATIONS = self.configuration["simulation"]["n_simulations"]
        self.state = CNP.zeros(
            (len(self.configuration["compartments"]), N_SIMULATIONS), dtype=CNP.float64
        self.log_diff = CNP.zeros((N_SIMULATIONS, 1), dtype=CNP.float64)

        for c,i in self.compartment_name_to_index.items():
            C = self.configuration["compartments"][c]
            initial_value = C["initial_value"]
            if isinstance(initial_value, str):
                if initial_value in self.param_to_index.keys():
                    self.state[i,:] = self.params[initial_value]
            self.state[i,:] = initial_value

        for c,i in self.compartment_name_to_index.items():
            C = self.configuration["compartments"][c]
            minus = C.get("minus_compartments", False)
            if not minus:
            if not isinstance(minus, list):
                minus = [minus]
            for m in minus:
                self.state[i,:] -= self.state[self.compartment_name_to_index[m],:]

        for comp in self.configuration["compartments"].keys():
            setattr(self, comp, self.state[self.compartment_name_to_index[comp]])

    def evolve(self, step, *args, **kargs):
        """This method must be overwritten to complete the model initialization.

            step (int): Step of simulation. Simulation ends when `step = simulation.n_steps`

    def get_diff(self, step, reference, reference_mask):
        """Returns a value that represents the distance from the simulation to the reference.
        This function can be overwritten if other deffinition os distance is needed.

            step (int): Step of simulation. Simulation ends when `step = simulation.n_steps`
            reference (list[list[float]]): Reference(s) values.
            reference_mask (list[int]): Mask to obtain simulation values to compare with the reference(s). 

            (list[float]): Distance from simulations to reference(s).
        index = step + self.reference_offset
        # To only take the diff on the same range for all simulations
        diff = CNP.absolute(CNP.take(self.state, reference_mask, 0)[0].T-reference[CNP.clip(index, 0, self.N_STEPS-1)]) * \
               ((self.reference_offset.max()<=index) * (index<=self.N_STEPS))

        return CNP.log(diff + 1)

    def _internal_run_(self, inner, inner_args: list, outer, outer_args:list,  reference, save_file:str, *args, exclude_pupulate:bool=False, **kargs):
        """Internal function that executes the model.

            inner (function): Function to call in the main loop.
            inner_args (list): Args given to `inner`.
            outer (function): Function to call after the main loop.
            outer_args (list): Args given to `outer`.
            reference (list[list[float]]): Reference values used to compare with the simulation.
            save_file (str): Filename of path to file.
            exclude_populate (bool, optional): If `False` params and compartments are populated with random values. Defaults to False.
        N_EXECUTIONS = self.configuration["simulation"]["n_executions"]
        self.N_STEPS = self.configuration["simulation"]["n_steps"]

        for execution in range(N_EXECUTIONS):
            progress_bar(f"Model running: ", execution, N_EXECUTIONS, len=min(20, max(N_EXECUTIONS,5)))

            if not exclude_pupulate:

            self._min_offset_: int = self.reference_offset.min()
            self.log_diff[:] = 0

            # for step in range(self.N_STEPS):
            step = CNP.int64(0)
            while (self.reference_offset + step < self.N_STEPS).any():
                inner(self, step, reference, *inner_args, **kargs)
                step += 1
            outer(self, *outer_args, execution_number=execution, **kargs)

        progress_bar(f"Model running: ", N_EXECUTIONS, N_EXECUTIONS, len=min(20, max(N_EXECUTIONS,5)), end='\n')

    def run_no_diff(self, save_file: str, *args, **kargs):
        """Runs the model without computing the diference any reference(s).

            save_file (str): Filename of path to file.
            self.evolve, args, 
            save_parameters_no_diff, (save_file, self.param_to_index.keys(),  self.params), 
            None, save_file,
            *args, **kargs

    def run(self, reference, save_file: str, *args, **kargs):
        """Runs the model computing the diference from the reference(s).

            reference (list[list[float]]): Reference(s) values.
            save_file (str): Filename of path to file.

        reference_mask = CNP.array([self.compartment_name_to_index[c] for c in self.configuration["reference"]["compartments"]])

        def inner(model, step, reference, reference_mask, *args, **kargs):
            model.evolve(model, step, *args, **kargs)
            self.log_diff[:,0] += model.get_diff(step, reference, reference_mask)

        def outer(model, save_file, *args, execution_number, **kargs):
            best_params, best_log_diff = get_best_parameters(model.params, model.log_diff, model.configuration["results"]["save_percentage"])
            save_parameters(save_file, model.param_to_index.keys(), best_params, best_log_diff, execution_number=execution_number)

            inner, (reference_mask, *args), 
            outer, (save_file,), 
            reference, save_file, 
            *args, **kargs


Creates a model from the configuration given.


Name Type Description Default
configuration dict[str, Any]

Model configuration.

Source code in compartmental/
def __init__(self, configuration: dict[str, Any]):
    """Creates a model from the configuration given.

        configuration (dict[str, Any]): Model configuration.
    self.configuration: dict[str, Any] = copy.deepcopy(configuration)

    self.param_to_index: dict[str, int] = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(self.configuration["params"].keys()) }
    self.fixed_param_to_index: dict[str, int] = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(self.configuration["fixed_params"].keys()) }
    self.compartment_name_to_index: dict[str, int] = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(self.configuration["compartments"].keys()) }

evolve(step, *args, **kargs)

This method must be overwritten to complete the model initialization.


Name Type Description Default
step int

Step of simulation. Simulation ends when step = simulation.n_steps

Source code in compartmental/
def evolve(self, step, *args, **kargs):
    """This method must be overwritten to complete the model initialization.

        step (int): Step of simulation. Simulation ends when `step = simulation.n_steps`


Returns a set of all parameters names, fixed or not.


Type Description

Set of all parameters names.

Source code in compartmental/
def get_all_params_names(self):
    """Returns a set of all parameters names, fixed or not.

        (set[str]): Set of all parameters names.
    return set(list(self.param_to_index.keys()) + list(self.fixed_param_to_index.keys()))

get_diff(step, reference, reference_mask)

Returns a value that represents the distance from the simulation to the reference. This function can be overwritten if other deffinition os distance is needed.


Name Type Description Default
step int

Step of simulation. Simulation ends when step = simulation.n_steps

reference list[list[float]]

Reference(s) values.

reference_mask list[int]

Mask to obtain simulation values to compare with the reference(s).



Type Description

Distance from simulations to reference(s).

Source code in compartmental/
def get_diff(self, step, reference, reference_mask):
    """Returns a value that represents the distance from the simulation to the reference.
    This function can be overwritten if other deffinition os distance is needed.

        step (int): Step of simulation. Simulation ends when `step = simulation.n_steps`
        reference (list[list[float]]): Reference(s) values.
        reference_mask (list[int]): Mask to obtain simulation values to compare with the reference(s). 

        (list[float]): Distance from simulations to reference(s).
    index = step + self.reference_offset
    # To only take the diff on the same range for all simulations
    diff = CNP.absolute(CNP.take(self.state, reference_mask, 0)[0].T-reference[CNP.clip(index, 0, self.N_STEPS-1)]) * \
           ((self.reference_offset.max()<=index) * (index<=self.N_STEPS))

    return CNP.log(diff + 1)


Populates compartments array. Assigns shortcuts to call them by their name as an attribute.

Source code in compartmental/
def populate_model_compartments(self, **kargs):
    """Populates compartments array. Assigns shortcuts to call them by their name as an attribute.
    N_SIMULATIONS = self.configuration["simulation"]["n_simulations"]
    self.state = CNP.zeros(
        (len(self.configuration["compartments"]), N_SIMULATIONS), dtype=CNP.float64
    self.log_diff = CNP.zeros((N_SIMULATIONS, 1), dtype=CNP.float64)

    for c,i in self.compartment_name_to_index.items():
        C = self.configuration["compartments"][c]
        initial_value = C["initial_value"]
        if isinstance(initial_value, str):
            if initial_value in self.param_to_index.keys():
                self.state[i,:] = self.params[initial_value]
        self.state[i,:] = initial_value

    for c,i in self.compartment_name_to_index.items():
        C = self.configuration["compartments"][c]
        minus = C.get("minus_compartments", False)
        if not minus:
        if not isinstance(minus, list):
            minus = [minus]
        for m in minus:
            self.state[i,:] -= self.state[self.compartment_name_to_index[m],:]

    for comp in self.configuration["compartments"].keys():
        setattr(self, comp, self.state[self.compartment_name_to_index[comp]])


Populates params array. Assigns shortcuts to call them by their name as an attribute.

Source code in compartmental/
def populate_model_parameters(self, **kargs):
    """Populates params array. Assigns shortcuts to call them by their name as an attribute.
    parameter_manager = ParametersManager(self.configuration, self)

    REFERENCE_OFFSET = self.configuration["reference"].get("offset", 0)
    # Set offset value if it is a str reference
    if isinstance(REFERENCE_OFFSET, str):


    for param in self.configuration["params"].keys():
        setattr(self, param, self.params[param])

    for fparam in self.configuration["fixed_params"].keys():
        setattr(self, fparam, self.fixed_params[self.fixed_param_to_index[fparam]])

    if isinstance(REFERENCE_OFFSET, str):
        self.reference_offset = self.params[REFERENCE_OFFSET]
        self.reference_offset = 0

run(reference, save_file, *args, **kargs)

Runs the model computing the diference from the reference(s).


Name Type Description Default
reference list[list[float]]

Reference(s) values.

save_file str

Filename of path to file.

Source code in compartmental/
def run(self, reference, save_file: str, *args, **kargs):
    """Runs the model computing the diference from the reference(s).

        reference (list[list[float]]): Reference(s) values.
        save_file (str): Filename of path to file.

    reference_mask = CNP.array([self.compartment_name_to_index[c] for c in self.configuration["reference"]["compartments"]])

    def inner(model, step, reference, reference_mask, *args, **kargs):
        model.evolve(model, step, *args, **kargs)
        self.log_diff[:,0] += model.get_diff(step, reference, reference_mask)

    def outer(model, save_file, *args, execution_number, **kargs):
        best_params, best_log_diff = get_best_parameters(model.params, model.log_diff, model.configuration["results"]["save_percentage"])
        save_parameters(save_file, model.param_to_index.keys(), best_params, best_log_diff, execution_number=execution_number)

        inner, (reference_mask, *args), 
        outer, (save_file,), 
        reference, save_file, 
        *args, **kargs

run_no_diff(save_file, *args, **kargs)

Runs the model without computing the diference any reference(s).


Name Type Description Default
save_file str

Filename of path to file.

Source code in compartmental/
def run_no_diff(self, save_file: str, *args, **kargs):
    """Runs the model without computing the diference any reference(s).

        save_file (str): Filename of path to file.
        self.evolve, args, 
        save_parameters_no_diff, (save_file, self.param_to_index.keys(),  self.params), 
        None, save_file,
        *args, **kargs